Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jude's Birthday and Mother's Day!

This weekend we are going to San Antonio to take Jude to Sea World for his FIRST BIRTHDAY! I cannot believe my baby is going to be a year old. It's so nostalgic. And how perfect that my first Mother's Day is the day after his birthday. What an amazing gift he is. We are so excited to take him to Sea World. He LOVES aquariums so we thought we would take it up a notch to celebrate his birthday. I can't wait to see what he thinks of the Dolphins, Shamu, seals, sea lions, etc. I will make sure to blog about it and post lots of pics. :)

I am just about 24 weeks pregnant! Time is flying! Loving all the movement and kicks. It's super magical. Jude is going to be an amazing big brother. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Worth it!

Jude is being super good today. He's playing and crawling around the house with only minimal need for my complete attention. This is an abnormal thing, as he usually likes to be wherever I am. If I am in the kitchen trying to do the dishes, he is at the baby gate in the living room trying to push it over while yelling and babbling at me to pick him up. I love playing with him, I love interacting with him, reading him books, listening to music together, taking him outside, rocking him, cuddling him, everything. I love him. So much. He is the reason I am not lonely while Matthew is out of town. He still sleeps in our bed at night. He still breastfeeds at night (during the day, he's too busy checking everything out, he recently weaned himself from the breast but only during the day). I cherish every moment with him, and I love being able to give him the attention he needs and deserves. He is everything we'd hoped for and more. When we decided to try for a baby, we knew that our love was going to create something incredible. We never could have imagined just how incredible, and just how much he would change our lives on so many levels.

Now, I am 18 weeks pregnant with baby #2. This pregnancy seems to be flying by, whereas with Jude it felt like I was pregnant for 2 years! Jude was planned, this baby was a sweet surprise.

I have to admit, when we found out on New Years Eve that I was pregnant again, I didn't take the news well. I cried. A million things flooded my mind. Worries. Fears. And we had plans to go out that evening and celebrate New Years! We decided to stay in.

I wasn't prepared to be pregnant again so soon, to give up so much... Sushi, Margaritas, Advil, etc, etc.  I wondered if I'd ever sleep again. I wondered how on Earth I was going to handle 2 children under 2 years old. Jude will be about 15 months when the new baby comes. I just thought, I am not prepared for this. How am I going to do this?

But the biggest thing I was not prepared to give up yet was/is my special time with Jude. I want(ed) Jude to be on his own timeframe for things and not have to change things because a new baby was coming. I don't want Jude to be jealous when I am breastfeeding the new baby, as he is quite obsessed with my boobs haha. He tucks his hand between them when I rock him to sleep. He rests his head on them when he is tired or after he fell or if he just wants to cuddle. He has mine and Matt's undivided attention almost always. I would never want him to feel neglected or jealous or anything like that because of this baby. How do you explain to a 15 month old that he is going to have a new brother or sister? How do you explain that this baby isn't here to take Mommy and Daddy away from him, but to add more amazingness to our already amazing family?

I dwelled on this for about a week. I cried. I held Jude constantly. As much as I knew that this baby is a blessing, I couldn't make myself get excited. I just wasn't prepared. Would I even be able to love the new baby as much as I love Jude? Who will watch Jude when I go into labor? How much time will Matt be able to have off to help me? What if I favor Jude and mess up this baby? What if, what if, what if?!

“The key to change… is to let go of fear.” – Rosanne Cash

Then I started thinking, so what if I am not prepared? I'll prepare as much as I can and then I will take it from there. You can't prepare for everything in life. I wasn't prepared for my Mom to pass away when I was 20, leaving my brothers and I motherless on this Earth. I wasn't prepared to move half way across the country to a new city and state and raise a child without any family or friends nearby. There have been a lot of things in my life I haven't been prepared for, but I got through them just fine. Everyday isn't easy, but everyday is a blessing. And what is more of a blessing than a child? There are people who can't have children. Matthew and I are blessed beyond belief to have a healthy baby boy, and blessed that I have had a healthy pregnancy so far.

So, I started thinking positive. We are having a baby! I'm pregnant! I love being pregnant. I had no morning sickness with Jude, same with this baby. Only real issue is headaches, but I can handle that. Matt has a great job that he LOVES. I am able to have the most important, challenging and rewarding job of being a "Domestic Engineer" haha. I have a great group of ladies in my meetup group that I'm getting to know. If it's a boy, Jude will have a brother and they will be able to play together and do boy things, and hopefully be best friends! If it's a girl, Jude will have a sister and Matthew will have the daughter that he longs for so badly! Jude can look after her, and they will be close and can play together too. We will have a sweet little family  of 4! Yeah, it's going to be hard. But it is going to be worth it. I'm having a BABY. And I am so excited! (and yeah, still a little scared too!) 

I am always harping on myself about inner growth. We grow most through adversity, I believe. I don't think we change, I think we grow, and I think growth is so incredibly important. It's not always easy. It's not always comfortable. But it's always worth it.
“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” – John Maxwell

12 weeks, 4 days. Baby #2. Gender GUESS is a boy, but we go back April 2 to find out for sure!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da

So I am 30 weeks pregnant as of today. I still can't find a better word to describe pregnancy than MAGICAL. It is an absolute joy to experience something so magical.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My growing baby belly!

10 weeks!                                                     

12 weeks!

13 weeks!

14 weeks!

  15 weeks!

16.5 weeks

18 weeks!

 20 weeks!
20 weeks!

22 weeks!

Today! 23 weeks, 4 days!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


So I just checked one of the many websites I frequent these days and found the 23 week information reassuring. The more that develops, and the stronger he is, the more comfortable I feel! So yay for lung development!

23 weeks!

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

From the moment I found out I was pregnant I decided I would start a blog, because I wanted to be able to share this experience with my family and friends, but also so I would always have these memories written down. I love being pregnant, and I want to remember every moment possible. So, I will start trying to catch up from the past 4-5 months...

I have wanted to be a Mommy for as long as I can remember. I've thought about it constantly from a very early age. I would tell myself that it would be perfect if I could go to college, fall in love with a wonderful man who was different from me so we could learn from each other, enjoy our alone time together and develop a very strong relationship, then start a family. That was my ultimate dream. Sometimes I still can't believe that my dreams have come true! I met Matthew my freshman year at FSU (2000), we started dating in September of 2001, got engaged in March of 2007, got married in September of 2007 and got pregnant in August of 2010!  And although life has been far from perfect, I wouldn't change a thing. Matthew and I have shared such amazing times together, and we have been able to learn and grow from all of the not so amazing times together. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and I feel so incredibly lucky to bring a child into this world with two parents who are madly in love with each other.

This baby is such a blessing for Matthew and I! We are so thankful and appreciative that we were able to get pregnant so quickly (1st try!) when there are others in this world who struggle with fertility. I am so grateful that we have been blessed with fertility. This is by far the most magical and spiritual thing I have ever felt.

So, we decided that I would go off of birth control in June, and that we would try for a baby in July. But we actually missed the window of opportunity in July. So, Matthew timed everything perfectly for August. We both kept saying that it would be amazing to get pregnant right away but that we didn't expect it. So in August we were both very excited. We both had such a strong feeling about the life that we felt was meant to be created. We both remember the exact moment we created this life. I will never forget it. :) Waiting until it was soon enough to take a pregnancy test seemed like forever! We both felt like we just "knew" I was pregnant, but we didn't want to get our hopes up. Then, 5 days before my missed period, I got an early response test and it was negative. I took one everyday for the next 5 days. All negative. Then, I missed my period. Still, tests were negative. My doctor wouldn't see me unless I was a week late. I made an appointment for September 3 and kept taking tests. On September 2, I took a test in the evening. I was sitting out on the couch with Matthew waiting and he said he was going to look first when it was ready. So he went in to the bathroom and I followed him, thinking it would be another test with just one line. BUT, Matthew said "2 lines!" I asked him a few times if he was serious and then he showed me... 2 lines!!! We were SO excited!  We laughed and cried and freaked out together for a little bit. I felt like I had just won the lottery, I didn't know what to do first!

(to be continued ASAP!)

This is a photo from September 25, 2010, 8 weeks pregnant. I feel like I started showing super early! Of course my stomach wasn't perfectly flat before I got pregnant. ;)